Month: June 2024
Visiting Nurse Home Care & Hospice Offers Bereavement Group for Those Impacted by Dementia
North Conway, NH – Loving someone with dementia is frequently described as a very long goodbye. Throughout the progression of dementia, friends and family experience recurrent feelings of grief and loss, as their loved one moves through each stage of the disease, losing not only their memories and abilities but also aspects of their personalities […]
Caregivers at Heart, Nursing Assistants Bring Smiles to their Patients’ Homes
NORTH CONWAY, NH — National Nursing Assistants Week, June 13-19, is dedicated to recognizing the efforts of Nursing Assistants – LNAs (Licensed Nursing Assistants) and CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants). Visiting Nurse Home Care & Hospice (VNHCH) sees it as an opportunity to highlight these caregivers and how much they mean to the patients and families […]